IAC is committed to complying with applicable data privacy laws and processing the data we receive from you in a fair and transparent manner. The policies on this page explain how IAC collects, processes, and shares your data, and how you can exercise your rights with respect to your data.
Privacy for Customers, Suppliers, and other Third Party Providers
Data Protection Officer for International Automotive Components Group GmbH
International Automotive Components Group GmbH (Germany) has appointed a Data Protection Officer. His contact details are as follows:
Dr. Volker Wodianka, LL.M. (IT&T)
CEO, zertifizierter Datenschutzbeauftragter (CIPP/E, CIPM, GDDcert.)
Wodianka privacy legal GmbH Baron-Voght-Str. 73b, 22609 Hamburg volker.wodianka@privacy-legal.de T +49 (0)40 2110786-0 M +49 (0)151 226 593 74 F +49 (0)40 2110786-99
www.privacy-legal.de Wodianka privacy legal GmbH AG Hamburg HRB 165787